=== Add Twitter, Facebook Like, Google plus one Social share === Contributors: beingmaverick Plugin Site: http://www.searchtechword.com Tags: Facebook like, twitter button, twitter share,LinkedIn, Google +1 button, Google plus one, Stumbleupon, social share, twitter facebook share,stumbleupon, LinkedIn share, floating sharebar, facebook, +1 Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 2.2.1 == Description ==
[Author Site](http://www.searchtechword.com)| [Plugin Home Page](http://www.searchtechword.com/2011/06/wordpress-plugin-add-twitter-facebook-google-plus-one-share)

This plugin is the most efficient way to integrate the important social share buttons like twitter, facebook like, google +1 (plus one), LinkedIn and stumbleupon in three different position and styles. * Automatically display the social share buttons Above the post, below the post, both above and below or floating left side of post. * Flat/Round border style with/without background color. All easily configurable through settings. * Javascript is by default loaded in footer (recommended). This is the most efficient way to load scripts for social share buttons. This will make sure that your site contents are loaded first and the script loading do not interfere with them. Also site loading speed is better by doing so which is an important criteria for SEO. Option to load the script in header as well, if you wish to. * Left side floating option is the latest trend these days. The top and left spacing can be configured according to your site layout. Using simple CSS and not ajax for better performance. Also floating bar can be fixed on that position or absolute and can be configured easily through settings. * Option to display on home page, static pages, category, tag, archive pages. * Shortcode [tfg_social_share] which can be inserted in test for any post or pages to display the socail share bar. * Add a custom field "disable_social_share" with value "yes" to disable social share for specific pages or posts. * Facebook Like thumbnail will now display thumbnail specific to the post or page. * Adjust width of individual social share button configure count display. * Option to manually display the share box at any position. * Option to disable on Mobile Devices (iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia, Android, Opera Mini) == Installation == Very easy to install, similar to rest of the plugins. 1. Download and unzip the plugin twitter-facebook-google-plusone-share.zip.
2. Copy the unzipped folder in your Plugins directory under wordpress installation. (wp-content/plugins)
3. Activate the plugin through the plugin window in the admin panel.
4. Configure the settings through Settings->TWG Social Share in the admin panel. == Frequently Asked Questions == If you have any doubts or question or want to customise the plugin then get in touch with me at [SearchTechWord Wordpress Plugin](http://www.searchtechword.com/about-searchtechword/)
I will try and help as much as possible and answer all your queries. I am ready to add to more features if you demand for the same, all free of cost. Always there to help you. == Screenshots == You can Check Screen Shots on my website. I use the same plugin to display Social Share :
[Twitter Facebook Google Plusone Social Share](http://www.searchtechword.com/2011/06/wordpress-plugin-add-twitter-facebook-google-plus-one-share)
== Changelog == = 2.2.1 = * Fixed a minor bug for disable mobile device display. = 2.2.0 = * Added option to disable on Mobile device = 2.1.0 = * Added LinkedIn Share button = 2.0.0 = * Added shortcode [tfg_social_share] * Option to disable social share for individual post and pages. * Thumbnail search functionality for facebook like. * Adjust width of individual social share button. * Configure count display for Google +1 and Twitter. * CSS included in separate file. = 1.1.1 = * Fixed a small bug related to single page display. * Added notice in settings page regarding floating left option. = 1.1.0 = * Added new feature to display Social share buttons on home page, static pages, category, archives, tags. = 1.0.2 = * Fixed a small bug for left side floating facebook like. * Eliminated the use of javascript for facebook like as it was conflicting with other facebook plugins. = 1.0.1 = * Add the option in settings to enter your twitter id. This will be used in "via @yourtweetid" in the tweet text. * Fixed a small CSS bug for facebook like (left floating). = 1.0.0 = * Initial version == Upgrade Notice == = 2.2.1 = Minor bug fixed for disable mobile device display. = 2.2.0 = Option to disable on Mobile devices. = 2.1.0 = Added LinkedIn Share button = 2.0.0 = 3 new features and few bug fixes. = 1.1.1 = 1 New feature and 3 bug fixes = 1.1.0 = * New feature to display on home and static page added.